875 Get ready for take-off. This is going to be a great trip…unless, you badly suffer from jet lag, and, for days on end, you feel like you are in a permanent ‘hang-over’ state. Anyone can experience jet lag. There are no conclusive statistics on exactly how many. “However, possibly 60–70% of long haul travellers will experience some form of the condition. Individual experience is very variable. Some may be badly affected and others not at all”, according to the Society of Endocrinology in the United Kingdom. “Your body has its own internal clock (“circadian rhythms”) that signals your body when to stay awake and when to sleep. Jet lag occurs because your body’s clock is still synced to your original time zone, instead of to the time zone where you’ve travelled. The more time zones crossed, the more likely you are to experience jet lag”, explains the Mayo Clinic What are the symptoms of jet-leg? Jet lag symptoms usually include all or some of these:Disturbed sleep — such as insomnia, early waking or excessive sleepiness, poor sleep qualityDaytime fatigue – difficulty staying awake, exhaustion, drowsinessDifficulty concentrating or functioning at your usual levelStomach problems, – nausea, constipation, diarrhea, reduced appetiteA general feeling of malaiseMood changesConcentration and memory problemsDizziness The good news is that jet lag is usually a short term problem that gets solved once the body circadian rhythm is adjusted to the new local time. Need some advice on how to beat jet-lag? We have compiled a list of our own tried and tested methods and we’d love to share them with you. Jet lag lasts for few days. In general, symptoms persist for 1-1.5 days per time zone crossed, are usually worse traveling from West to East and may become worse as we get older. Before the flight Adjust your daily schedule a few days before jetting off to help your body adjust to different times. Slight alterations to your wake-up and meal times will help ease the changes to your body rhythms.Remember to take a Jet Candy pillule the night before your flight, one again the following morning, and then one just before take-off.Make sure you rest a few days before your departure. It won’t help if you leave already tired or stressed. During the flight Set your clock, watch and phone to your destination time zone before you’ve even left your current one. As soon as the fasten seatbelt sign goes on, trick your mind into thinking you’re already on that time, and your body’s systems will start to adjust.Stay hydrated. Don’t be tempted to enjoy too many alcoholic drinks or coffee (easily avoidable as in-flight coffee is notoriously unappetizing) on board and instead drink plenty of water; H20 helps balance out the dehydration that can be caused by lack of humidity in the cabin during the flight.Choose lighter meals options during the flight to prevent gastrointestinal disturbances and disrupt your sleep.Take regular walks up and down the plane aisle, and try to stretch regularly too. Don’t be shy, as it’s important to look after your body.Get some sleep. Boost your chances of undisturbed slumber with eyeshades, noise-cancelling earphones and cosy blankets to help you get some shuteye. Wear comfortable clothes.Take another 3 – 6 doses of Jet Candy during the flight. After the flight Get moving! Plunge into the pool, enjoy some sightseeing, indulge in some retail therapy, or hit the gym – whatever works for you – to help ease the transition to your new time zone. Exposure to sunlight allows your body to differentiate between day and night more easily and effectively.Consider melatonin just before bedtime at your new destination, although there is no scientific proof that melatonin will work, only anecdotal. Seek medical advice before taking melatonin.Avoid the temptation to nap too frequently or for too long. Try to keep naps less than 30 minutes and nap at least eight or more hours before your planned bedtime, suggests The Sleep Foundation in the USA.Take prebiotics. The University of Colorado Boulder study in 2021 suggests simple dietary compounds known as prebiotics, which serve as food for beneficial gut bacteria, could play an important role in helping us bounce back faster.Avoid taking drugs such as sleeping pills. Try natural remedies first such as lavender oil, magnesium, camomile. Some paracetamol may help with taking away pain such as muscle pain or headaches; some antihistamines medications may help you sleep better. If your jet lag is too severe and you cannot operate normally, seek medical advise before taking any drugs.Take another Jet Candy pillule, and finally one more when you wake up the next day. This way, you won’t experience the time zone hit and your jet lag will be sorted. There’s a reason Jet Candy really is as essential as your passport! If you are going to try out some of pour suggestions, do let us know if they made difference. What about you, do you have any methods to beat jet lag you’d like to share with us? This article has been written by Passepartout Homes in cooperation with Jet Candy, all natural jet-lag remedy. Jet Candy is available to buy from www.jet-candy.com, and the remedy can be shipped worldwide.